Shopping without rings

Every once in a while, and this doesn’t happen often, we get judged for not having our rings on. USUALLY at the grocery store by an older cashier.

Now, I’m all for ring wearing or whatever. If you’re married and you never take your rings off – kudos to you. I don’t. I barely wear mine actually, I am not particularly attached to them so I don’t care. My engagement ring was purchased by me after Chris proposed. And the wedding band we got on a budget. Chris however, wears his ring all the time.

I think my reasoning behind it is that the engagement ring is sharp and pointy, and 95% of the time I’m handling my baby. Don’t know about your babies but mine doesn’t appreciate shit stabbing him in the rib cage.

Also, I don’t really care if someone thinks I’m not married. That’s like the last of my priorities or cares. ESPECIALLY if I go out WITH Chris. That ring is not coming on. I am actually lucky to know where the rings are (I have lost them many times before).

So, but… we are always so judged when we don’t wear rings while going somewhere. It’s like “they have a baby, why isn’t there a ring on her finger?”. The worst is when I’m alone and out with Zack and no ring. Oh hell, I am so obviously a single mother barely struggling to make ends meet. The last part was mostly because I haven’t looked NOT disheveled in a long time.

People smile at me with these petty smiles of strained and forced empathy. And then when I start speaking and Chris comes up, talk of a husband immediately brightens their faces up. No joke. I’ve seen someone go from a frown to a smile in under a second.

“Oh, you’re married!”, “oh that’s wonderful”

Yes, you dumb fuck. I’m married. But, guess what – I didn’t NOT wear my ring so that I can confuse you with my apparent lack of commitment.


Who cares nowadays anyway. The only place I religiously wear my rings to is Church – pun intended.

Anyhow. Had a long LONG day. Leave a like if you’ve also had a long long day, feel free to message or comment and tell me all about it. We mothers have to stick together.

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