Let’s sign him up for a class…

On tonight’s Mom’s Last Nerve, I am bitching about classes for toddlers.

Zack is of that age where I can start throwing him into various classes in hopes that something sticks and he finds either a calling, a hobby, or a fun time passer activity. So, I sat there and thought about what would be more apt for him at this moment. Now, we have already started swimming but are taking a break until Spring because the temperatures in Canada right now are INSANE and I am not dealing with classes in this weather. Eff. That.

Okay, so… his recent inclination to musical instruments made me decide music. He LOVES drums, and trumpets and etc., also music. Dances to it with me ALL the time.

So, I opened my laptop, got myself some ice cream and went on a search of possible music classes. I had a few criteria. It had to be a Saturday, it HAD to be within reasonable driving distance, and it had to be a blocked session class. Apparently I am wrong to want them to be on a Saturday. Tell me, dear mothers, are you available during the following times:

  1. Tuesday 11:15am-11:55am
  2. Wednesday 6pm – 7pm
  3. Friday 9am-10:15am

What the fuck kind of times are these? It’s like all these institutions are basically catering to ONLY those moms who stay at home and those that drive. Well, I have a big fuck you to all of them. I am not a working mom, but I will be one day (one can hope), and what, I can’t send my kid to classes because you people don’t schedule anything on the weekends?

I don’t understand why they had zero times on Saturdays. Why?! Saturday is THE day of errands, why NOT let people sign up for Saturday classes?

Don’t people understand that they will get much more appreciation for a Saturday scheduled class rather than a Tuesday morning?! What happens if you have to bring 1 kid to school, and can’t make THAT specific class on Friday? I feel like these people didn’t think too hard when they sat down and decided their schedule. Idiots.

So, I did what any mother would. I called a school that I found WAS open on Saturdays. They didn’t have anything listed on Saturdays though, but I have mastered the art of playing dumb, so off I went.

Low and behold, they’ve had an overwhelming ask for Saturday classes and I will be contacted once they figure something out. And that’s how it’s done.

Lesson learned. When you want something badly enough, play dumb. Always works.

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